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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Big Ten, Pac-10 agree to join bowl alliance

Published July 24, 1996

ATLANTA (AP) -- A true national championship in college football is now a reality. And the first game between the two top-ranked teams will be played after the 1998 season. ABC Sports officials said today...

Seven classrooms slated as models for larger upgrade

by Michelle Kibiger
Published July 24, 1996

Several University classrooms are getting a face-lift this summer thanks to the state Legislature, which approved a $4.2 million funding request this spring to repair classrooms. Seven classrooms on the...

Roethlisberger leads U.S. team

by Aaron Kirscht
Published July 22, 1996

In the movie "The Natural," a young Roy Hobbs carves a bat from the heart of a tree struck by lightning. He goes on to use that bat -- dubbed Wonder Boy -- in a short, sweet baseball career. Another natural,...

‘U’ offers public support to next president

by By Tom
Published July 22, 1996

The University Board of Regents and I had a remarkable experience this spring when we asked Minnesotans to tell us what they wanted to see in the next University president. Our experience proved that...

Student union head faces challenging work

by Paul Sanders
Published July 22, 1996

In 16 years, Maggie Towle has gone from making room reservations at Coffman Memorial Union to becoming its director. "I worked in the room reservations department, unlocking meeting room doors, delivering...

President lauds olympians, mourns air crash

Published July 22, 1996

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Alight with the gold-medal glow of the Olympics, yet saddened by a numbing aircraft disaster, President Clinton said today that America's Olympians are "living examples of what dreamers...

U workers fear merger approval

by Joel Sawyer
Published July 22, 1996

With the merger between University Hospital and Clinic and Fairview Health System scheduled for Board of Regents approval next week, many unionized hospital workers are looking with dread and fear at...

Business ethics belong to company

Published July 22, 1996

Sister Doris Gormley is director of corporate social responsibility for The Sisters of St. Francis of Philadelphia. Reviewing the convent's investment portfolio, she discovered that no women or minorities...

Speeches mark program’s end for teens on St. Paul campus

by Heather Owens
Published July 22, 1996

Regardless of race or economic status, students should have the opportunity to fulfill their potentials, said several speakers, including U.S. Rep. Martin Sabo, DFL-Minn, on Saturday at Green Hall on...

Blast win streak hits 14 games

by Matthew Cross
Published July 22, 1996

Former Gophers hockey player and Minnesota Arctic Blast captain Cory Laylin led the team with two goals and two assists Saturday to give the Blast an 8-7 win. The victory extended the squad's winning...

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