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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Report: UMD fund-raiser siphoned profits

Published June 28, 1996

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- The head of a University of Minnesota-Duluth athletic booster club diverted profits from charitable gambling to his own business, according to a report published Thursday. The copyright...

Political gridlock deters young voters

Published June 28, 1996

Frustrated campaign pollsters from both major political parties continue to scour the nation in search of a catchy message that will pique the interest of young, upwardly mobile voters. Still, more 20-somethings...

Parking Services cuts staff shifts

by Bei Hu
Published June 28, 1996

University Parking and Transportation Services announced this week that, as a result of budget cuts, some campus parking ramps will no longer have booth attendants during late night and early morning...

Daily editor declares eligibility for NBA draft

Published June 26, 1996

I have had a simple life, with simple hopes and simple dreams. Few major interruptions have prevented me from achieving my goals, which, as I mentioned, have been simple. But not long ago I decided that...

Terrorist truck bomb kills 11 Americans at facility in Saudi Arabia

Published June 26, 1996

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A truck bomb exploded Tuesday night at a U.S. Air Force housing complex in Saudi Arabia, killing 11 Americans and injuring about 160, officials said. President Clinton vowed, "The cowards...

O.J.’s event mocksvictims of violence

Published June 26, 1996

O.J. Simpson will host a fund-raising event Thursday night at his Brentwood, Calif., estate for the Stop the Violence-Increase the Peace Foundation, a group that works to prevent spousal abuse and other...

U gymnast favored in U.S. Olympic trials

by Chet Decker
Published June 26, 1996

With four world championships and Olympic experience already under his belt, former Gophers gymnast John Roethlisberger is more than ready to continue to dominate the United States gymnastics scene. And...

Steam plant renovation plans printed for public review

by Bei Hu
Published June 26, 1996

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is accepting public feedback on a proposed permit to allow the University to renovate one of its steam plants, which it uses for heating and cooling buildings. A...

U cosponsors conference on family issues

by Charlie Saeger
Published June 26, 1996

President Bill Clinton proposed two new measures to make the workplace more family friendly Monday at a conference cosponsored by the University's Children, Youth and Family Consortium. Vice President...

McKnight Foundation grant honors U faculty

by Brian Bakst
Published June 26, 1996

The McKnight Foundation announced Monday that the University Foundation will receive more than $300,000 in grants for this fiscal quarter. Almost $11 million was distributed Monday to various Minnesota...

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