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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

O.J.’s event mocksvictims of violence

Published June 26, 1996

O.J. Simpson will host a fund-raising event Thursday night at his Brentwood, Calif., estate for the Stop the Violence-Increase the Peace Foundation, a group that works to prevent spousal abuse and other...

U gymnast favored in U.S. Olympic trials

by Chet Decker
Published June 26, 1996

With four world championships and Olympic experience already under his belt, former Gophers gymnast John Roethlisberger is more than ready to continue to dominate the United States gymnastics scene. And...

Steam plant renovation plans printed for public review

by Bei Hu
Published June 26, 1996

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency is accepting public feedback on a proposed permit to allow the University to renovate one of its steam plants, which it uses for heating and cooling buildings. A...

U cosponsors conference on family issues

by Charlie Saeger
Published June 26, 1996

President Bill Clinton proposed two new measures to make the workplace more family friendly Monday at a conference cosponsored by the University's Children, Youth and Family Consortium. Vice President...

McKnight Foundation grant honors U faculty

by Brian Bakst
Published June 26, 1996

The McKnight Foundation announced Monday that the University Foundation will receive more than $300,000 in grants for this fiscal quarter. Almost $11 million was distributed Monday to various Minnesota...

Plans discussed for Dinkytown Bypass

by Chris Vetter
Published June 26, 1996

Several Dinkytown business members and Marcy-Holmes residents met Tuesday night to discuss plans for a new road that might route traffic out of Dinkytown and into the Marcy-Holmes neighborhood northwest...

Correction A stor…

Published June 26, 1996

CorrectionA story in Monday's Daily, "Cuba embargo won't blockade students," misspelled Tamara Caban's name.

U star 7th pick in NHL draft

by Nick Doty
Published June 24, 1996

Gophers hockey player Erik Rasmussen traveled to St. Louis for Saturday's NHL draft knowing he would be among the top 10 overall picks. There wasn't much pressure on the 6-foot-2-inch, 191-pound forward...

Myths should die with drug guru

Published June 24, 1996

Editor's note: Timothy Leary died May 31, 1996. Leary was 75. After learning he had terminal prostate cancer, Timothy Leary made a remarkable confession of everything he stood for when he told a reporter,...

U gets $7 million to build arena

by Matthew Cross
Published June 24, 1996

In about two years, Mariucci Arena will have a brand new baby sister sitting just west of it. The facility will be home to women's ice hockey and men's and women's tennis. The arena is not even in the...

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