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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Allegra Lockstadt's half of "Candy Arena" features a row of flowers against Andres Guzman's abstract orbs.

Andres Guzman and Allegra Lockstadt bring eye candy to Paper Darts

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published July 10, 2013
Two illustrators team up for “Candy Arena,” an exhibition of sprinkle-colored ideas from their exploding sketchbooks.
Minneapolis artist and graphic designer J. Zachary Keenan works in his studio Tuesday, June 11, 2013, in the Washington North Loop. Keenan is one of the artists featured in the You Can Do It, Put Your Back Into It Exhibition at Light Grey Art Lab opening June 14.

Living in a perfect word

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published June 12, 2013
For Light Grey Art Lab’s motivational poster show, 33 designers collaborated without ever resorting to a cat dangling from a clothesline and “Hang in There, Baby.”
Attendees crowd the Stone Arch Bridge during last year's Northern Spark.

All aboard the art train: Northern Spark at Lowertown

Published June 5, 2013
The all-night art festival Northern Spark occupies Union Depot this weekend to take attendees on a community journey.
University of Minnesota philosophy professor Roy Cook is currently a Lego ambassador and member of TwinLUG, a group of adult LEGO enthusiasts. Members of the group including Cook designed and use Micropolis, featured above, which allows individual builders to build modules and connect them to create a micro scale city.

A toy story: U professor has passion for Lego

by Spencer Doar
Published May 29, 2013
University professor Roy Cook’s interest in Lego pieces goes far beyond simple sets.
Founder of the Minnesota School of Botanical Art Marilyn Garber holds one of her own pieces of art in The Bakeen Museum where the museum will have the "Drawn From Nature" exhibit by the Minnesota School of Botanical Art.

Minnesota School of Botanical Art blossoms

by Sarah Harper
Published May 2, 2013
Students and teachers are attempting to take a painted snapshot of the Eloise Butler Wildflower Garden.

New tech, ancient art

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published April 18, 2013
A maritime archeologist gives a glimpse into the vast treasures lying at the bottom of the ocean and how they eventually wind up in museums.

Under construction

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published February 28, 2013
Industry and history inform nine artists in the Soap Factory’s newest exhibition, R.U.R.
Cast and crew rehearse former University student Benjamin Brockman's "Lepus Nacht: A Night in the Warren" on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2013, at In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre in Minneapolis. Brockman's piece details the cycles of life and death through the post-apocalyptic exploits of a group of rabbits.

Some strings attached

by Joe Kellen
Published February 28, 2013
In the Heart of the Beast brings back their PuppetLab series for a third year, conjuring trashscapes, cartoon explosions and Jersey, cow-colored dinosaurs.
Friday is the beginning of 2013's Lowertown First Fridays where illustrator David Witt will be releasing his first hardbound book, "Portraits Volume One." Witt is the official artist of the annual Zombie Pub Crawl poster and has done extensive screen-printed poster workthroughout the years.

Prints among thieves

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published January 31, 2013
David Witt’s eye-catching punk posters might disappear from dive bars all too frequently, but he’s expanding to other artistic outlets anyway.
Drawing out grief

Drawing out grief

by Sarah Harper
Published December 6, 2012
Minneapolis artist Anders Nilsen tells a multimedia story of illness, death and true love.

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