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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Life’s a drag

by Martina Marosi
Published December 8, 2011
The long-running gender-blending cabaret “Dykes Do Drag” continues to fortify its Minneapolis drag kingdom.

Reese’s pieces

by Martina Marosi
Published December 8, 2011
Comedian Reese Waters blows into Acme as part of his whirlwind national tour

Crisis professionals

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published December 8, 2011
Pro-Crisis uses actors to simulate crisis scenarios to train everyone from prison guards to nurses.

Kiss kiss bang bang

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published December 8, 2011
Students in the Xperimental Theatre will perform Diana Son‘s “Stop Kiss,” a play that explores relationships and two women’s identity amid a brutal crime.
Seniors Torsten Johnson, left, ShaVunda Horsley, center, and Alex Brightwell rehearse a scene Tuesday night at Rarig Center in preparation for an upcoming play called Uncle Vanya.  The play is one of two Chekhov plays being performed by University of Minnesota BFA students.

Say Uncle!

by Martina Marosi
Published December 1, 2011
The University’s BFA students polished Chekhov’s gun for their productions of “Uncle Vanya” and “The Cherry Orchard”
Artist Reeva Wortel paints striking portraits like Lillian, one of the interviewees affected by BP's oil spill. Wortel will display the portraits throughout the forthcoming play "The Big Spill."

Crude Oil

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published December 1, 2011
“The Big Spill” details the human costs of the recent oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and an industry’s destructive addiction. Playwright Leigh Fondakowski will speak about the project at the U on Thursday, Dec. 1.
Actors E. J. Subkoviak and Terry Hempleman play Lennie and George, respectively, in Park Square Theatre's adaptation of "Of Mice and Men."

Mice guys finish last

by Joseph Kleinschmidt
Published November 24, 2011
Park Square Theatre’s adaptation of John Steinbeck’s classic novella “Of Mice and Men” depicts the arduous lives of migrant workers during the Great Depression.

Isn’t it Ironic?

by Martina Marosi
Published November 23, 2011
Irony expert Harmon Leon comes to Minneapolis to clarify what is and isn’t ironic with his Bryant-Lake Bowl show
All-Stars Corey Holcomb, DeRay Davis, Michael Blackson and Gary Owen on stage at Humphrey's in San Diego, CA

Shaquille O’Neal’s All-Star Comedy Jam

by Martina Marosi
Published November 17, 2011
Junior Daniel Flohr and senior Annelise Eckelaert rehearse a scene Tuesday night at Rarig in preparation for an upcoming play called The Great(er) American Pastime.  The play is a student-written, student-directed performance about consumerism.

$tudent $cribe

by Sarah Harper
Published November 17, 2011
Nico $wenson wrote a doozy of a play for cla$$. Watch him get all extracurricular thi$ weekend at the Rarig Center.

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