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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Art curator Anna Cerniglia, left, founder of Chicago's Johalla Projects, stands with artists Matthew Hoffman and Andrea Jablonski underneath a balloon installation Saturday in the VIP area of the Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago. Jablonski and Hoffman contributed the two art installations at the festival.

What’s art got to do with it?

by Sarah Harper
Published July 18, 2012
There were two big fine art installations at Pitchfork this year.
Parents Bill and Lisa Roe watch Thee Oh Sees with their 3-year-old daughter Ronnie and their 2-month-old son Arthur on Sunday at Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago. The Roes own a Chicago-based record label named Trouble in Mind.

Baby boomers

by Sarah Harper
Published July 18, 2012
A&E met some righteous moms and dads at the Pitchfork Music Festival. It turns out “cool parent” isn’t an oxymoron after all.
Bradford Cox of Atlas Sound shares conversation with fans Sunday at Pitchfork Music Festival in Chicago following his set earlier in the day.

Interview: Bradford Cox

by Sarah Harper
Published July 18, 2012
A&E asked Bradford Cox about his clothes and his infamous show at the Cedar.

The Fasionisto is in: Festival Fashion

by Tony
Published July 13, 2012
Dressing for a music festival can be a tricky balance between being practical and looking fresh. We’ll help your strike the right balance.

Twin Cities boasts growing music scene

by Tiffany Trawick
Published July 11, 2012
Despite older music legends, we have plenty of new local acts making news.
The Tribe and Big Cats! releases “Space,” its third album “”in 18 months, July 14 at the 7th Street Entry.

A tribe called cats

by Tony
Published July 11, 2012
The Tribe & Big Cats! are poised to break out of Minneapolis with their latest album, “Space.”
Japandroids perform Tuesday at the 7th Street Entry.

Review: Japandroids at the 7th Street Entry

by Tony
Published July 4, 2012
The Canadian rock duo finished off their tour with a blistering performance at the 7th St. Entry.
Sophia Eris, Claire de Lune, and Lizzo pose for a portrait Saturday in Uptown.

Holy grail of hip-hop

by Tony
Published June 27, 2012
The Chalice is the one of the most exciting new local rap groups, and might just be the Twin Cities’ next great hip-hop collective.
Holly Marie of Des Moines, Iowa crowd surfs during Diplo's set Sunday at River's Edge Music Festival in St. Paul, Minn.

Review: River’s Edge Music Festival

by Tony
Published June 25, 2012
In its first year, the Harriet Island festival went smoothly, but it will need a better lineup to compete with similar Midwest fests.
 The cast of “Anytown” rehearses Friday at the Guthrie Theater. “Anytown” runs June 21-24.

Darkness on the edge of the stage

by Tony
Published June 20, 2012
For Minneapolis choreographer Joanie Smith, the Bruce Springsteen dance musical ‘Anytown’ is a family affair.

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