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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Arts & Entertainment

Faster than sound

by Katie Wilber
Published January 22, 2004

Some sophomore attempts show that the success of an artist's first album was simply a fluke; others, thankfully, show the improvement and growth of the performer. Josh Groban's newest compact disc, "Closer,"...

A to Z and back again

by Katie Wilber
Published January 22, 2004
A guide to J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle Earth clears up the muddle of all those Elvish songs.

Mystic crystal revelation

by Keri Carlson
Published January 22, 2004

The title for the Unicorns' newest album, "Who Will Cut Our Hair When We're Gone?" sounds like a question from a wide-eyed child inquiring about the afterlife. These sorts of questions make adults squirm....

You know she’s hardcore

by Keri Carlson
Published January 22, 2004
Missy Elliott's new album innovates and incapacitates.

Life or something like it

by Greg Corradini
Published January 22, 2004
"Fuddy Meers" sees existential angst in our garbled speech.

It hurts too much to cry

by Tom Horgen
Published January 22, 2004
Radio K confounds the college rock stereotype with a diverse new compilation disc.

The ghost and the darkness

by Greg Corradini
Published January 22, 2004
Elevator Repair Company breathes catacomb air into the Southern Theater.

The great northeast

by Niels Strandskov
Published January 22, 2004
Food, fun and alcohol await you in the bars of northeast Minneapolis.

Let me go wild

by Greg Corradini
Published December 11, 2003
Cute animals at Christmas are as American as cherry pie.

And your little dog too!

by Greg Corradini
Published December 11, 2003
The stage version of "The Wizard of Oz" succeeds in evoking movie memories.

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