I can easily say that I've never been to a play like Galumph Interactive Theater's Seance. I have, however been in theater classes that were quite similar. You see, Seance is what they call an "interactive...
The narrator is the glue that keeps a novel from falling apart. It's a bit of a trite statement straight from high school literature courses, but, for most intents and purposes, it is true. Even with the...
Punk Rock Omaha is that rarity in theater: an improv-based play that is actually funny. Not just dry-chuckle-at-a-play-on-words funny either, but gnashing, hard-hitting, ironic funny that lampoons its...
Swan Lake, that hoary old classic of ballet by Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky, is not famous for raising critical hackles - but, then, really, how much ire can be raised by a story of songbirds in love?
The last few Guthrie productions have fallen short of their potential, so a dramatic recovery for their current production, The Comedy of Errors, could not have been anticipated. However, with Theatre...
El-P and his Def Jux monolith hovered over Minneapolis several weeks ago. But underground hip hop has felt this looming presence for more than a year. Since mid-2001, when El-P introduced Cannibal Ox to...
I have been going to concerts since I was a 3-year-old. My dad, a fellow music worshiper and constant concert companion, took me to see my favorite band at the time, Culture Club. I can remember the colors...