This is what it sounds like when the gods die. Out of the roiling chaos of a madwoman's psychosis comes the Skriker (played by Jennifer Rand), an ancient fairy, forgotten by the descendents of the humans...
The scent of marigolds, candles and fresh-baked bread fills the house. In an honored spot stands an altar, consecrated to the memory of departed loved ones and covered with a variety of decorations, offerings...
Evangelical cartoonist Jack T. Chick hates Halloween. Chick, creator and publisher of the inexplicably popular Chick Tracts, is a somewhat mysterious figure. No information exists about him except a brief...
J We Fools Storytellers
ewish folktales have their share of fools, and, conveniently, they are often located in one city, Chelm. Stories of the so-called "wise men of Chelm" have been longtime favorites...
T Kakelugnar: Tile Stoves
his is the sort of "what the heck?" exhibition that proves to be far more fascinating than initially expected. The American Swedish Institute is located in the former mansion...
If you have seen one puppet show, or if you have seen 1,000, this is a show that you cannot justify skipping. Puppetry aficionados around the country have discovered the artistry of Michael Sommers. Now...
Last January, Tom Petty, Beck and Courtney Love, among others, went to California's state capitol with the founders of the recently-formed Recording Artists Coalition: Don Henley and Sheryl Crow. They...
There is an exhibit at the Walker Art Center that has invented a name for itself. In fact, its title contains not one, but two neologisms. See if you can spot them - the show is called Ultrabaroque: Aspects...