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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Student Life

The Ski-U-Mah sign at the Starbucks on Washington Avenue on Friday. Dakota language students fight to be heard about the impacts of the slogan “Ski-U-Mah.”

Uncovering the truth behind UMN’s famous ‘Ski-U-Mah’ chant

by Araia Breedlove
Published April 7, 2024
The University of Minnesota’s famous “Ski-U-Mah” chant, celebrated as a rallying cry of victory for the Gophers Athletic Program, has an untold history.
The art event took place on Tuesday in the Rapson Hall Courtyard.

College of Design prepares for upcoming Art 4 Shelter event

by Avery Vrieze
Published April 4, 2024
Participants made art for the auction, which benefits people who are experiencing homelessness.
The PELRA Coalition, which has been around for years, is working with the Minnesota Legislature to propose new PELRA guidelines for UMN employees that will allow them to form a union.

UMN employees advocate for the right to unionize

by Amirah Razman
Published April 4, 2024
UMN employees are looking to make changes to the Public Employment Labor Relations Act to allow the ability to join a union to fight for fair pay and working hours.
Sanford Hall on Friday. More than half of rape cases occur months or years before they are reported, due to many different reasons.

Residence hall rapes at highest percentage in recent years

by Amelia Roessler
Published April 3, 2024
While the total number of reported rape cases on campus is down from the last academic year, the rate of total cases happening in residence halls is increasing.
With Too Good To Go, restaurants can sell leftover food for cheap.

Too Good To Go tries to make leftovers affordable

by Amelia Roessler
Published April 2, 2024
A new app meant to save food waste is trying to make its run on campus.
With an abundance of language programs, there is something for everyone.

Language students describe the unique opportunities their major provides

by Avery Vrieze
Published March 27, 2024
University students majoring in languages bring personal experience to the program.
This year’s class of 2024 graduates did not have a high school graduation in 2020 due to the pandemic and restrictions.

Graduating students reflect on what is, for many, their first in-person graduation

by Amelia Roessler
Published March 23, 2024
Many students are facing their first graduation after the pandemic.
People voting at Machine Shop on St. Anthony Main on Nov. 7, 2023. With the presidential election happening in November and the movement to vote uncommitted gaining popularity, some students voting on the Democratic ballot find themselves voting in different ways.

Students voice their thoughts on voting for Biden or ‘uncommitted’

by Amirah Razman
Published March 18, 2024
Following Super Tuesday, some students are not committing to a Democratic candidate while others continue to show support for Joe Biden.
Gopher Chauffer on 4th St. Jan. 22, 2024. Gopher Chauffeur drivers give up their time to keep students safe.

Behind the wheel: A Gopher Chauffeur driver’s experience

by Sophie Eydis
Published March 17, 2024
Drivers share their passion for their job which ensures student safety on campus.
From using a credit card to unexpected financial emergencies, students face many challenges surrounding their personal finances.

How UMN students are tackling their finances

by Amirah Razman and Gabrielle Erenstein
Published March 15, 2024
Many students have different financial situations that lead them to succeed well in one area of finance but struggle in another.

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