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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Veteran Brandon Haugrud (right) studies with Yer Lor, a fellow Student Ambassador, Tuesday night at the Northrup Plaza.  Brandon joined the Student Ambassadors group as a means of meeting friends like Yer and to help transition back into student life after serving.

Student vets focus on adjustment

by Adam Daniels
Published November 11, 2010
Brandon Haugrud is a 24-year-old sophomore who served in Iraq.
Mpls Somali community reacts to sex-ring scandal

Mpls Somali community reacts to sex-ring scandal

by Frank
Published November 10, 2010
Authorities arrested 17 people in Minnesota connected to human trafficking in three states.

U, Mayo to argue med school case before SCOTUS

by Conor Shine
Published November 8, 2010
This will be the second time the University has appeared before the Supreme Court.

Teen interest in gaming on decline

by Jennifer Bissell
Published November 4, 2010
A survey showed the least interest in video games among teens in 10 years.
Quidditch: now for muggles

Quidditch: now for muggles

by Laura Sievert
Published November 2, 2010
Players said the only thing missing from the Harry Potter-inspired game is magic.

Public law schools find way to buck state funding woes

by Adam Daniels
Published November 2, 2010
As schools are becoming more self-sufficient, the U’s options are open.

Plastic surgery shows signs of rate recovery

by Sarah Nienaber
Published October 27, 2010
Middle-aged women contribute the most to the rising popularity.

Survey shows teens’ shopping habits

by Jennifer Bissell
Published October 25, 2010
It concluded that teens prefer to spend on value brands and cheaper items.

U and partners help organic farmers

by Ashley Bray
Published October 21, 2010
A new grant will evaluate the costs of the transition to organic farming.
Earmarked for higher ed.

Earmarked for higher ed.

by Mike Mullen
Published October 21, 2010
Some public universities have received tens of millions of dollars in federal earmarks. With rare exceptions, the University of Minnesota hasn't sought earmarks.

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