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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Roots Community Birth Center building in North Minneapolis as seen on Friday, Sept. 11. Roots is one of the few African American-owned birth centers across the country.

UMN study shows Black newborns die less often when cared for by Black physicians

by Becca Most, Senior Staff Reporter
Published September 12, 2020
Nationally, Black newborns die at a rate three times that of white newborns.
Protesters gather outside of the Hennepin County Family Justice Center in response to motions made by the police officers involved in George Floyd's murder on Friday, Sep. 11.  The four former officers filed motions to be tried separately.

‘An open wound still’: community members protest dismissal motion

by Jasmine Snow and Samantha Woodward
Published September 11, 2020
Judge Peter Cahill started the hearing by saying dismissal motions wouldn't be discussed. Decisions have yet to be made regarding relocation or an anonymous jury.
Houses on the University's "Frat Row" stand silent on Monday, Sep. 7. Though late move-in for students may explain their vacancy, the COVID-19 pandemic will continue to pose a significant challenge for the U's fraternities, typical venues for large gatherings.

Taking the party out of the frat: How Greek life is planning events during the pandemic

by Nina Raemont
Published September 10, 2020
UMN fraternities face a semester of distanced brotherhood as COVID-19 alters party plans.
BrightSide Volunteer Ian Roberts loads produce on a cart to move it out to a BrightSide van on Wednesday, Sep. 9. BrightSide regularly transports produce to communities that have limited access to fresh options.

UMN student group makes fresh produce accessible during pandemic

by Katelyn Vue
Published September 10, 2020
BrightSide Produce started at the University of Minnesota to help families and corner store owners provide healthy food options in an effort to end food insecurity.
Rural areas have higher health premiums and fewer options, UMN research finds

Rural areas have higher health premiums and fewer options, UMN research finds

by Becca Most
Published September 10, 2020
Researchers said COVID-19 has the potential to make disparities worse.
A University of Minnesota Police car is parked outside of the Graduate Hotel on East Bank on Thursday, June 21.

UMN conducting review of Twin Cities campus police

by Hana Ikramuddin and Zyon Edwards
Published September 10, 2020
The review has been met with mixed reactions from student leaders.
Pedestrians stroll past the empty storefront that previously housed the Gina + Will store in Dinkytown on Saturday, Sept. 5.

Following the closure of Gina + Will, UMN students reflect on the lack of thrift fashion in Dinkytown

by Samantha Woodward
Published September 10, 2020
The closing of the store on Aug. 22 shrunk an already small clothing retail market in the neighborhood.
Pioneer Hall dorms stand empty on Tuesday, Sep. 1, as they will remain for the first two weeks of the fall semester. Upon their eventual move in, students will be expected to follow the Maroon and Gold Sunrise Plan, a strategy meant to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 on campus.

Uncertainty, doubt looms over housing reopening plans

by Hana Ikramuddin and Jasmine Snow
Published September 7, 2020
Some community advisers and future residents have little confidence in rules set forth by the University of Minnesota President and follow through from Housing and Residential Life.
Fulbright Fellow Corrie Nyquist poses for a portrait at Van Cleve Park on Thursday, Sep. 3.

Fulbright scholars adjust research plans to accommodate for COVID-19

by Brooke Sheehy
Published September 7, 2020
In addition to navigating new travel restrictions, some of the scholars will have to adapt their season-sensitive research timelines as a result of a four-month delay in the program.
The University's COVID-19 dashboard is live, but officials warn it's incomplete

The University’s COVID-19 dashboard is live, but officials warn it’s incomplete

by Abbey Machtig
Published September 7, 2020
The dashboard includes data on the number of COVID-19 cases, amount of tests performed and isolation rooms on campus.

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