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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Gov. Mark Dayton speaks during a pre-session briefing at the Capitol on Tuesday.

Dayton and legislative leaders preview upcoming session

by Michael Achterling
Published February 14, 2018
The session briefing forum is a press event held annually for nearly the past 20 years.
A Green Metallic Sweat Bee is shown under the microscope at the University of Minnesota Bee Lab. A new research project starting this summer will research bee pollinator habitats to find which ones bees are more attracted to.

To help bees, UMN study will analyze habitats

by Katrina Pross
Published February 14, 2018
The study will span 6-10 counties in southwest Minnesota.
Now during a appointment at Boynton Health a student can request sex supplies from their doctor. Supplies include condoms in multiple sizes, sex kits, lube, anal sex kits and dental dams.

Boynton increases safe sex supply access

by Michelle Griffith
Published February 14, 2018
The new initiative comes in response to focus group results indicating that students value confidentiality when accessing sexual health resources.
A rendering of the new Health Sciences Education Center which will be located on the corner of Harvard Street Southeast and Delaware Street Southeast.

UMN starts construction on new health sciences center

by Michelle Griffith
Published February 14, 2018
The center is expected to be completed by December 2019.

New national data shows increase in grants

by Max Chao
Published February 14, 2018
The data saw a 4.2 percentage point increase in students who received grants.

University students tell black history through performance

by Lew Blank
Published February 13, 2018
For Black History Month, the University of Minnesota’s Black Student Union told a four-part story of black history through music, dance and spoken word.
A Gopher Chauffeur driver makes their rounds on Feb. 5, 2012.

Gopher Chauffeur launches pilot program extending shuttle hours

by Maraya King
Published February 13, 2018
Student transportation service expands to weekdays in addition to existing weekend hours.
Vescio's owner Frank Vescio prepares a take out order for a customer on Wednesday, May 8, 2013, in Dinkytown.

Dinkytown Vescio’s to close in March

by Rilyn Eischens
Published February 12, 2018
The family-owned restaurant opened in 1956.
University of Minnesota President Eric Kaler fields questions from the Minnesota Daily in his office on Friday, Feb. 9.

‘It’s a very personal thing’: Kaler talks sexual misconduct prevention among other topics in Q&A

by Kelly Busche
Published February 12, 2018
University President Eric Kaler sat down with the Minnesota Daily on Friday.
Freshman Olivia Kaus competes in the Novice Free Skate group during the first collegiate-level skating competition hosted by the figure skating club at 3M Arena at Mariucci on Sunday, Feb. 11.

UMN hosts first intercollegiate skating competition

by Eliana Schreiber
Published February 12, 2018
The Golden Gopher Challenge brings in thousands of dollars to help fund the club team.

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