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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


As the protest grew more restless, police tried to get students out of the mall area. Police broke the protester lines by shooting nearly 40 canisters of mild tear gas and pepper fogger into the crowd. Soon after, Governor Wendell Anderson called in the National Guard to help police get the protest under control.

9 photos of the University of Minnesota’s massive 1972 anti-war protest

by Raju Chaduvula
Published October 3, 2016
In May of 1972, outrage over the Vietnam War spurred a 3,000-person protest on the University's campus
University of Minnesota alum and Sssdude-Nutz co-owner Bradley Taylor rides his bike to Open Streets Dinkytown to pass out free doughnuts on Saturday, Oct. 1, 2016 in Dinkytown. Sssdude-Nutz has just celebrated its one year anniversary and Tim Horton’s has signed a lease to move in next door.

SssDude-Nutz owner not worried about looming Tim Hortons competition

by Ryan Faircloth
Published October 3, 2016
After recently celebrating his first year in business, SssDude-Nutz owner Bradley Taylor focuses on building relationships with the campus community.

Board of Regent student protesters to appear in December trial

by Olivia Johnson
Published October 3, 2016
Six students declined to accept a deal proposed by the Minneapolis City Attorney's office, their trial was set for Dec.

University student fends off robbery attempt

by Keaton Schmitt
Published September 30, 2016
The attempted robbery took place Thursday night in Lilly Plaza.

State Capitol could increase its slice of renewable energy

by Kristina Busch
Published September 29, 2016
If approved, this initiate would push the Capitol toward it's clean energy goals
Pinned bees used for research sit in a case in a workroom at the University of Minnesota Bee and Pollinator Research Lab, Sept. 23, 2016 on the St. Paul Campus.

A new hive for University of Minnesota bee researchers

by Ryan Faircloth
Published September 29, 2016
After years of cramped research space, a new Bee and Pollinator Research Lab will open on St. Paul's campus next month.

Ramsey County takes over Philando Castile case

by Kacey Holmen
Published September 29, 2016
The County Attorney will now decide whether to charge Officer Yanez who killed Castile in July.

Bias Response Team sustains criticism about campus role

by Olivia Johnson
Published September 29, 2016
After a consultation with the FCC, members question the team’s responsibilities.
Source: Great Lakes Worm Watch

University researcher studies negative effects of invasive earthworms

by Melissa Steinken
Published September 28, 2016
The spread of European earthworms started with early settlers and continues today
Strategic communications sophomores Maja Cave, left, and Marisa White, center, register to vote with the online software TurboVote with help from MSA member Cara Nix, right, at Voterpalooza hosted by MSA on Tuesday, Sept 27, 2016 at Northrop Plaza. MSA decided to use TurboVote this year to increase student registration on campus for the upcoming election.

University adopts TurboVote to boost registration

by Ryan Faircloth and Rilyn Eischens
Published September 28, 2016
MSA instated the new registration site to make voting easier for students.

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