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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Grad students lack strong voice in U policy

by Olivia Johnson
Published September 14, 2016
At a meeting Thursday, faculty discussed creating a committee focused on graduate and postdoctoral issues.

Intentional Communities spur debate

by Eliana Schreiber
Published September 13, 2016
Proposed changes to the ordinance that disallows some non-relatives from living together drew controversy at a Monday meeting
A University of Cincinnati study found the positive effects of gun buybacks are hard to trace.

Efficiency of gun buybacks questioned by critics

by Kristina Busch
Published September 13, 2016
A University of Cincinnati study found the positive effects of gun buybacks are hard to trace.

Interactive: What kills Minneapolis residents?

by Ethan Nelson
Published September 13, 2016
Cancer, heart disease are on top

Several thefts around campus

by Jacob Steinberg
Published September 13, 2016
Since Thursday, at least seven thefts have occurred on or near campus.

Coyle updates Regents on changes to Athletics Dept. spending

by Kevin Beckman
Published September 13, 2016
The audits resulted from the resignation of Norwood Teague in August 2015.

Four Gophers football players involved in MPD case

by Jackie Renzetti
Published September 13, 2016
The players were suspended for Saturday's home game

HPV vaccine rates 50 percent under target in state, nationwide

by Keaton Schmitt
Published September 12, 2016
Despite a national push to vaccinate boys and girls against HPV, rates still fall behind the CDC’s 80 percent target.

Clinton’s free education policy could affect University students

by Olivia Johnson
Published September 12, 2016
A report released from Georgetown University showed projected increase in public institution enrollment and a decrease in private colleges.

Course evaluation info made accessible for students

by Rilyn Eischens
Published September 12, 2016
The course evaluations were made public last year, but were re-vamped last month after being "lost" and found on the University's website.

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