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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Minneapolis Fire Department enters Vincent Hall to inspect a possible gas leak, Monday.

Murphy and Vincent halls evacuated over reported gas leak

by Jennifer Bissell
Published October 25, 2010
The fire department re-opened the buildings shortly after 1 p.m. after finding no sign of a gas leak.

Drug gives new hope to prostate cancer patients, doctors

by Sarah Nienaber
Published October 22, 2010
Provenge, a drug partially developed at the University, provides an alternative to chemotherapy.
Davis Ritsema hugs David Boehnke after hearing the results of a vote held Friday in Block E in downtown Minneapolis. Employees from 10 Jimmy John’s franchises voted 87 to 85 against unionizing their workforce.

Unionization vote a close call

by Jennifer Bissell
Published October 22, 2010
On Friday, Jimmy John’s employees voted against unionization 87-85.

U and partners help organic farmers

by Ashley Bray
Published October 21, 2010
A new grant will evaluate the costs of the transition to organic farming.
Earmarked for higher ed.

Earmarked for higher ed.

by Mike Mullen
Published October 21, 2010
Some public universities have received tens of millions of dollars in federal earmarks. With rare exceptions, the University of Minnesota hasn't sought earmarks.
Computer science and engineering graduate student Jesse Vig explains a new application he helped develop for the MovieLens website in the GroupLens lab in Keller Hall Wednesday.  The application generates personalized movie recommendations based on the qualities the viewer likes in movies they have already seen.

Software knows what films you like

by Frank
Published October 21, 2010
MovieLens recommends films based on 1,500 characteristics and online reviews.

Obama to be fourth U.S. president to speak at U

by Devin Henry
Published October 21, 2010
William H. Taft was the last president to hold a public event on campus.

U jumps 48 places in sexual health report card

by Sarah Nienaber
Published October 19, 2010
Trojan brand condoms ranked the U 10th in sexual health.

Lawsuit may force partial Ticketmaster fee refunds

by Jennifer Bissell
Published October 18, 2010
The class-action suit calls Ticketmaster’s processing and delivery fees unfair.
Dr. Tara Krosch works in the University Medical School’s pancreatic cancer research lab in Moos Tower Wednesday.  The lab is supervised by Dr. Ashok Saluja, professor and vice chair of research in the Medical School’s department of surgery.

New drug aims to treat tough pancreatic cancer

by Urmila Ramakrishnan
Published October 15, 2010
University of Minnesota-created Minnelide has shown promise as research enters clinical trials.

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