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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Chavez’s bank began as alternative to U.S. lenders

Published December 10, 2007
The "Bank of the South" was founded by Chavez and six of his allies.

Gypsies dispute over business turf

Published December 6, 2007
The California gypsy clan battle has all of the makings of a gangster movie.

Banks warn students of fraud potential

Published December 6, 2007
The holiday season is a time when it is very important to be on guard against fraud.

Televangelist refuses to answer finances inquiry

Published December 6, 2007
The church has invasion of privacy concerns about the questioning.

Fossils give insight to human life

Published December 6, 2007
Dwarf hippo fossils provided scientists with clues on human life in Cyprus.

Man claiming amnesia arrested

Published December 6, 2007
John Darwin returned five years after his disappearance and is suspected of fraud.

Statesmen call for Darfur cease-fire, U.N.-AU forces

Published December 5, 2007

.JOHANNESBURG, South Africa (AP) - Veteran statesmen including former President Jimmy Carter appealed Tuesday for an immediate cease-fire in Darfur and called on the Sudanese government to drop all obstacles...

Teacher’s arrest raises free speech issues

Published December 5, 2007
It is unclear if a pro-Columbine comment was meant as sarcasm or as a threat.

Ruined vaccines force repeated shots

Published December 5, 2007

.DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) - Every year, thousands of American children go through the tearful, teeth-gritting ordeal of getting their vaccinations, only to be forced to do it all over again. The vaccines...

California athiest’s case heard by 9th Circuit court

Published December 5, 2007
The man is challenging the use of "In God we trust" on U.S. currency.

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