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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Photo by Jerusa Nyakundi / Minnesota Student Association

Editorial: The Minnesota Daily’s endorsement for MSA president and vice president

by Daily Editorial Board
Published March 11, 2019
The Editorial Board endorses Mina Kian and Jael Kerandi for Minnesota Student Association President and Vice President.

Haasch: Please, for the love, learn some transit etiquette

by Palmer Haasch
Published March 11, 2019
Small steps can slow down how quickly transit whittles down your very soul.

Letter: Vote ‘yes’ on UMN tenured faculty sexual misconduct referendum

by Letter to the Editor
Published March 11, 2019
As President of COGS, which sponsored the referendum, please allow me to explain why we urge you vote "yes."

Venkata: On socially responsible investing

by Uma Venkata
Published March 11, 2019
Socially responsible investing sends a strong message about what you’re willing and hoping to see succeed.

Letter: Regents are disappointing, but not surprising, on Coffman rename effort

by Letter to the Editor
Published March 11, 2019
The students and faculty of the University of Minnesota deserve better leadership than this.

Hasan: Criticism of Ilhan Omar is unwarranted

by Aleezeh Hasan
Published March 7, 2019
Omar’s recent tweets sparked controversy and this illustrates the double standards she faces as a Muslim woman.

Letter: Why bus fees won’t work to solve bus overcrowding

by Letter to the Editor
Published March 7, 2019
A response to the March 4 letter to the editor, which called for students to pay for busing.

Ababiy: Our city needs 13 neighborhood wards

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published March 7, 2019
The proposal to have at-large representation in the Minneapolis City Council would take away a voice for residents in poorer and more diverse wards in the city.

Editorial: Muslim students deserve wash stations that aren’t in a custodial closet

by Daily Editorial Board
Published March 6, 2019
While the University of Minnesota must avoid encouraging religious practice, it should also maintain basic standards of cleanliness.

Letter to the Editor: Bus overcrowding

by Letter to the Editor
Published March 4, 2019
Bus overcrowding is a problem? Going green is the solution.

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