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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Venkata: This land was made for you and me

by Uma Venkata
Published November 21, 2018
Gentrification pushes previous residents out of their neighborhoods. Let’s do our part to prevent that.

Schneider: Out of my lane

by Ellen Schneider
Published November 19, 2018
As the National Rifle Assocation tries to stifle discussion of gun policy by medical experts, no one should "stay in their lane."

Editorial: Developing pronoun policy needs to be enforceable and fair

by Daily Editorial Board
Published November 19, 2018
Erupting protests show that a policy change can create a welcoming campus environment, if implemented correctly.

Haasch: LA to the left, NYC to the right. Here I am.

by Palmer Haasch
Published November 19, 2018
Stuck in the middle at the University of Minnesota, I manage attachment to multiple cities by focusing on the present.

Editorial: The student responsibility to shape the community

by Daily Editorial Board
Published November 15, 2018
The student body must respond to incidents of racism as much as the school administration does.

Ababiy: CBD, artificial intelligence and Blockchain: aren’t you sick of it all?

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published November 15, 2018
Silicon Valley reaps the rewards of disruptive business techniques and we pay for it.

Venkata: What Michelle Obama means

by Uma Venkata
Published November 15, 2018
Much more than I realized at the time.

Haasch: Millennial pandering works, so long as it’s authentic

by Palmer Haasch
Published November 12, 2018
Brands can successfully connect with younger generations by speaking their language.

Schneider: The ‘year of the woman’ can’t stop here

by Ellen Schneider
Published November 12, 2018
More women than ever will be sworn into Congress in 2019, but we can’t lose this momentum.

Editorial: The University’s involvement in the CIP should be a guarantee

by Daily Editorial Board
Published November 12, 2018
The Conservation Improvement Program allows businesses to become more energy efficient and environmentally friendly.

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