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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Letter: Response to ‘Raising the tobacco sale age to 21 could have unintended negative consequences’

by Letter to the Editor
Published April 2, 2018

In Ellen Ailts' column, “Raising the tobacco sale age to 21 could have unintended negative consequences,” she mentioned how policies of the past have precipitously dropped the teen smoking rate. I...

Ababiy: Now is the time to improve Minnesota’s student to counselor ratios

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published April 2, 2018
Data shows that Minnesota has some of the worst student-to-counselor ratios in the country.

Ailts: Why and how we should protect our online privacy

by Ellen Ailts
Published April 2, 2018
Companies are constantly looking to harvest your data. Here's how to avoid it.

Editorial: Residents need to provide feedback on Minneapolis 2040 plan

by Daily Editorial Board
Published April 2, 2018

On March 22, a comprehensive plan to overhaul policy in Minneapolis was released for public comment and review. Although Minneapolis 2040 is still being drafted, it will attempt to curb policy within the...

Venkata: Take the circular economy on your shopping spree

by Uma Venkata
Published March 29, 2018
Fashion and the earth improve their relationship with the circular economy.

Schneider: Don’t let state lawmakers throw out the Regent Candidate Advisory Council

by Ellen Schneider
Published March 29, 2018
If the RCAC is eliminated, so is public input in the process for selecting new Board of Regents members.

Editorial: With Noor, let due process take its course

by Daily Editorial Board
Published March 29, 2018

On July 15, 2017, Justine Damond was fatally shot by then Minneapolis Police officer Mohamed Noor after she had called 911 to report a possible assault outside in southwest Minneapolis. This news shocked...

Ailts: Raising the tobacco sale age to 21 could have unintended negative consequences

by Ellen Ailts
Published March 26, 2018
Minnesota lawmakers are too optimistic in their predictions of the effects of a tobacco sale age of 21.

Ababiy: Don’t reject DED for Liberian residents of Minnesota

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published March 26, 2018
The Liberian community is an essential part of Minnesota’s cultural fabric and should not be evicted.

Letter: The Child Development Center is exemplary and should be scaled up

by Letter to the Editor
Published March 26, 2018

This is my conclusion after deciphering the justification by University of Minnesota leadership for closing the University’s Child Development Center, reviewing the costs and benefits, and knowing that...

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