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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Ailts: We place too much importance on a college major

by Ellen Ailts
Published December 4, 2017
The myths about college majors shaped our ideas about higher education.

Schneider: Rolling back the birth control mandate is a problem

by Ellen Schneider
Published November 30, 2017
While nothing may come rolling back the work-based birth control mandate, the Trump administration has created a large loophole for employers.

Ababiy: Your laptop is annoying and bad for everyone

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published November 30, 2017
Laptop usage in class has been shown to make you and your classmates get lower grades.

Editorial: Student impacts should be valued in tax reform

by Daily Editorial Board
Published November 30, 2017

With a GOP sponsored tax reform bill already passed through the U.S. House of Representatives, and a vote on a similar proposal in the U.S. Senate likely coming soon, the tax system may look drastically...

Editorial: Voters should engage representatives

by Daily Editorial Board
Published November 27, 2017

With Minneapolis municipal elections in the past, it will be nearly a year until most Twin Cities residents think about engaging in the political sphere. The U.S. midterm elections are seemingly and strangely...

Ailts: Reconsider our minimum legal drinking age

by Ellen Ailts
Published November 27, 2017
The current minimum legal drinking age is too strict and arbitrary to foster a healthy culture around alcohol.

Haasch: Don’t remain neutral about net neutrality

by Palmer Haasch
Published November 27, 2017
If the FCC dismantles protections that ensure equal internet access, it would affect us all.

Letter: Confronting uncertainty with action

by Trish Palermo
Published November 27, 2017

Since my first day as a freshman intern for the Minnesota Student Association, student government has always been about advocating to extend our rights. Sometimes that meant fighting for stronger sexual...

Schneider: As sexual harassment accusations continue, lawmakers make meaningless responses

by Ellen Schneider
Published November 24, 2017
Sexual harassment in the workplace is a problem that extends across industries and fields and requires a response from lawmakers.

Ababiy: The GOP tax bill is dangerous for higher education

by Jonathan Ababiy
Published November 24, 2017
The GOP tax bill makes pursuing an education financially impossible for many.

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