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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


A "white privilege checklist" was posted in Mark G. Yudof Hall last week.

Column: Yes, ‘white privilege’ exists, but that’s not all

by Chance Wellnitz
Published April 24, 2017
White privilege doesn't provide an answer for all of society's ills, and it doesn't have to.
A cow waits to be milked in the Daily Cattle teaching and Research building on the St. Paul campus.

Column: A photo essay of UMN campus over 24 hours reveals quiet, unnoticed moments

by Kate McCarthy
Published April 24, 2017
The yearly photo compilation is pleasantly surprising.

Column: Mentorship programs need funding to help students reach their potential

by Taylor Sharp
Published April 20, 2017
Lack of financial support hinders some student's ability to find academic support.

Column: Thoughts on spreading yourself too thin

by Kathryn Schultz
Published April 20, 2017
Don’t forget to factor in your mental health and stress levels while registering for classes.
Lab technician Mark Mulivahill works in the Center for Drug Design with assistant professor  Christine Salomon in a lab in theVFW Cancer Research Building.

Editorial: Trump’s proposed cuts to research institutions hurts scientific progress

by Daily Editorial Board
Published April 20, 2017
Sixty percent of research project funding at the University comes from the federal government. Trump's proposed budget could change that.
Security monitor Will Burnton receives a request for an escort on his two-way radio while walking across the Washington Avenue bridge during his shift on April 17, 2014.

Letter: Clarifying the role of campus security monitors and bridge crises

by Justin Yarrington
Published April 20, 2017
While security monitors may be first to notice someone in crisis, they are not asked, nor expected to talk that person down.

Column: The difficulties of diversity outreach

by Kate McCarthy
Published April 17, 2017
Striving for diversity is great, but often challenging in practice.
A "white privilege checklist" was posted in Mark G. Yudof Hall last week.

Column: When a ‘dialogue’ is nothing but lip service

by Chance Wellnitz
Published April 17, 2017
The Yudof Hall bulletin board that went viral last week led to more promises of conversations but few results.
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Editorial: New campus apartment seems to have hollow promises

by Daily Editorial Board
Published April 17, 2017
New complex attempts to profit off one community at the expense of another.

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