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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Latest act of hate speech proves campus is not safe for all

by Daily Editorial Board
Published November 7, 2016

This past week, two abhorrent incidents targeted the University of Minnesota’s Muslim community. On Thursday, the spray-painted word “ISIS” was discovered on the Muslim Students Association’s Washington...

Election Guide omitted Legal Marijuana Now Party’s congressional candidates

by Oliver Steinberg
Published November 3, 2016

The Minnesota Daily's 2016 Election Guide left out necessary information, leaving the false impression that University-area voters can only choose a Republican or a DFL candidate for Congress. You completely...

Boys, take a seat

by Kate McCarthy
Published November 3, 2016
In every conversation, let women speak.

Cedar-Riverside Opportunity Center is a step in the right direction

by Daily Editorial Board
Published November 3, 2016

The increasing focus on job production for Minnesota’s Somali population is an important step to support one of our state’s most vital communities.Last year, Minneapolis hosted a job fair aimed at...

Kim Kardashian “Parisian Heist” costume crosses the line

by Kaylee Anderson
Published November 1, 2016

Over the weekend, I came across a Halloween costume online that crossed the line. Titled the “Parisian Heist,” the costume was intended to mimic Kim Kardashian during the now infamous robbery in France,...

Response to “In this election cycle, cast your vote for Hillary”

by Brian Reinken
Published October 31, 2016

The Minnesota Daily’s Editorial Board endorsed Hillary Clinton for president earlier this week, citing their support for her positions on student loan reform, healthcare and taxation.As I read their...

I finally got drunk, and it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be

by Kate McCarthy
Published October 29, 2016

I’m not really a drinker. Back in high school, I learned to dodge drinks with a wry smile and an, “Ah, bummer! I’ll catch the next round!”Once in college, it was sips here and there, but a confluence...

In this election cycle, environmental policy is of great importance

by Daily Editorial Board
Published October 28, 2016

During the presidential debates, the closest question addressing any of the environmental issues facing the United States was on energy independence. This wasn’t enough to address the issue of climate...

Do all the people who teach at the University of Minnesota belong in the same bargaining unit?

by Eva von Dassow
Published October 28, 2016

This question — which is separate from the question about whether faculty should unionize — is again before the state’s Bureau of Mediation Services (BMS). Minnesota law hitherto assigned...

The importance of meditation

by Anant Naik
Published October 27, 2016

Yesterday was perhaps the worst day of my semester. Stark deprivation of sleep coupled with anxiety over midterms was not a good combination for me, or for anyone else.It’s easy to forget with all that’s...

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