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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Question of the Week 9/15/08

Question of the Week 9/15/08

Published September 15, 2008

With the first day of fall coming up on Sept. 22, what's your favorite part about this time of year? Emelia Mickman said she enjoys everything about the season. The combination of a new school year, leaves...

Question of the Week 9/11/08

Published September 11, 2008

How much did you spend on textbooks and where did you buy them? First-year student Libby Schoenborn said she didnâĂ„Ă´t have to spend much on books for fall semester. All in all, she spent $350,...

Stopping sexual assault

Published September 9, 2008

Assailants pulled an 18-year-old woman into a bathroom in Pioneer Hall early one morning last spring. One man held her down while another raped her, according to police reports. Even after reviewing hours...

Our struggle to care

Published September 9, 2008

The latest dour news on the state of the economy broke when the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that the unemployment rate surpassed six percent. This figure represents the continuation of an eight...

The real forgotten Americans

Published September 5, 2008

Rudy GiulianiâĂ„Ă´s introductory comments at the Republican National Convention Wednesday night illustrated one of the Republican PartyâĂ„Ă´s most fundamental flaws yet preeminent attributes:...

War by the numbers

Published September 5, 2008

ItâĂ„Ă´s clear that the front has shifted from Iraq to Afghanistan. The number of American service men who died in the Afghanistan war exceeded the number of deaths in Iraq for the first time in...

Comcast takes byte out of bandwidth hogs

Published September 5, 2008

Beginning Oct. 1, notorious telecom giant Comcast will enforce a bandwidth usage cap of 250GB per month on its residential customers. Customers whose monthly data transfers surpass that threshold twice...

A Sad Anniversary

Published September 5, 2008

When I started my position five years ago as vice provost for student affairs, I looked forward to helping students learn leadership skills, develop and work through goals for their student experience...

Let cooler heads prevail

Published September 4, 2008

Issues as important as war and peace, with human life and the future of liberty at stake, must be weighed dispassionately. Cool-headed rationale and precise calculation must be applied to conclude the...

Bridge woes

Published September 4, 2008

On Friday, Aug. 21, Hennepin County issued a statement, along with University officials, stating the Washington Ave. BridgeâĂ„Ă´s upper deck has structural deficiencies that would prohibit pedestrian...

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