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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Fight for our right?

by John Sharkey
Published June 18, 2008
Our generation needs to learn the art of civil disobedience

The balance of the Senate is in limbo

Published June 11, 2008
Al Franken, while a rookie in the political arena, proposes sound legislation

The politics of law and order

by Jason Stahl
Published June 11, 2008
Will the Republican National Committee protests play into the McCain campaign's underlying message?

NASCAR a small part of gas dilemma

Published June 11, 2008
NASCAR's on-track fuel consumption does not amount to significant portion of America's fuel problems.

Gay marriage threatened

Published June 4, 2008
Opponents are asking the court to stay its decision until the elections in November.

Prospect Park Alliance is classist

Published June 4, 2008
The Alliance needs to be more inclusive of all perspectives in their neighborhoods.

Losing common sense

Published June 4, 2008
Come the election in November, it is possible that Obama could beat McCain and his anachronistic politics.

NASCAR a waste of resources

Published June 4, 2008
With America's gas problem, we should not support NASCAR.

Tube envy

Published May 28, 2008
With higher fuel prices, an effective public transportation system is a must.

Bad news for democracy

Published May 9, 2008
The collapsing newspaper industry undermines our democracy watchdog.

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