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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Good luck with that

Published February 18, 2008
The police officer asked "You seriously want to buy property in this bad neighborhood?" while I was in North Minneapolis.

An undemocratic party

Published February 15, 2008
The party, not the people, could determine the Democratic presidential nominee.

Escaping Facebook isn’t easy

Published February 15, 2008
Removing yourself from the site and protecting your privacy is nearly impossible.

MLK program keeps dream alive

Published February 15, 2008
Is progress being made on the diversity front at the University?

The perils of research

Published February 14, 2008
An increased focus on research will incur a great amount of impact on the second clause, "Teaching and Learning," if the words were plastered against the broad side of Coffman.

Of soldiers and suicide

by Kelsey Kudak
Published February 14, 2008
Number of confirmed suicides in the U.S. Army in 2006: 102. Since accurate record keeping began in '81, the numbers have never been as high.

Whose First Amendment

Published February 14, 2008

Two weeks ago, the city of Berkeley, Calif., decided that it didn't care so much for free speech any more. At least not when it comes from the mouth of a U.S. Marine Corps recruiter. In a resolution, the...

Per diemproblem

Published February 13, 2008
Minnesota lawmakers need to reform the way they get paid.

Bush drains Great Lakes funds

Published February 13, 2008
Budget cuts could harm the health and economies of many Great Lakes.

Ethnicity and the interracial relationship

by Quynh Nguyen
Published February 13, 2008
Do racial differences matter in love? How does one reconcile differences in ethnic background?

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