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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Roe v. Wade decided 35 years ago today

Published January 22, 2008
That day in 1973 was by no means the end of the abortion debate. What do the candidates have to say?

Jobs lost not coming back

Published January 22, 2008
Proposed tax cuts will not stabilize working class America.

TXT-U alert system works

Published December 12, 2007
Anyone who texts knows that sometimes the messages just don't go through.

Giving teachers respect

by Quynh Nguyen
Published December 12, 2007
The American notion of education as a right is getting turned on its head.

Reluctance to join fight hurts planet

by Chelsey Perkins
Published December 11, 2007
The world's scientists are in agreement about global climate change - and the time to take action is now.


Published December 10, 2007
The next president should speak English - not Newspeak from his or her special-interest mouth.

A much-needed history lesson

Published December 10, 2007

As presidential candidates advocate the opening of diplomatic relations with a country that supported the taking of U.S. hostages, other experts are promoting the support of a proven terrorist organization...

From student renter to scholar homeowner

by John Hoff
Published December 10, 2007
Tear down boards from the windows of vacant houses and transform those buildings into your homes.

Striving to make news interactive

Published December 10, 2007
News isn't just about feeding readers and viewers information anymore. It's about being interactive.

No nukesin Iran

Published December 7, 2007
Diplomacy in Iran is working, yet the Bush administration seems disappointed.

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