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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Facebook isn’t your friend

Published December 7, 2007
Jokes about stalking aside, Facebook wants to know more about you - much more.

The community’s sacred heart

by Allison Wickler
Published December 6, 2007
Learning about the community functions involves more than just sitting on campus.

Partially hydro-what? Take II

by Kelsey Kudak
Published December 6, 2007
Perhaps most people can pronounce hydrogenated. This doesn't discredit its pertinence in discussion.

A case against the war on terror

Published December 6, 2007
What did Iraq have to do with al-Qaida and the terrorist Afghan terrorist camps?

Senate must hold Cheney accountable

Published December 6, 2007
It is pathetic to suggest that history is to be the judge of Vice President Richard Cheney.

Target misses the Bullseye

Published December 6, 2007
All we want for Christmas is an end to stealth marketing.

Sen. Coleman supports farm bill

Published December 6, 2007
Sen. Coleman has been actively involved in crafting the farm bill during the past year.

Tabloids: A juicy pleasure

Published December 5, 2007
It is a big stretch to draw parallels between porn and tabloids, but hear me out.

MSA: The system itself is the real issue

Published December 5, 2007
The issue isn't a suspended bylaw, a journalist or an MSA official's actions.

Verizon sets new standards

Published December 5, 2007
A business plan will save consumers two things: money and hassle.

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