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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Guys’ costumes, uncovered

by Kat Hargreaves
Published November 2, 2007
It's unfair that women are getting all the flack for abandoning creativity while men's costumes don't change.

Universities as places and spaces of imagination

Published November 1, 2007
The very depth and breadth of a great university can ensure that "imaginative leaps" occur both within and across disciplines.

Human dignity in helping

by Kelsey Kudak
Published November 1, 2007
Since when does accepting kindness from a stranger make someone assume that they are a charity case?

Dealing with inappropriate actions

by Paul Hamilton
Published November 1, 2007
We can all contribute to taking a stand against inappropriate behavior in public places.

Hope for the helplessly depressed

by Quynh Nguyen
Published October 31, 2007
My therapist pointed out to me that in therapy, "You have everything to gain and nothing to lose."

U.S. trade policies absent from debate

by Chelsey Perkins
Published October 30, 2007
The North American Free Trade Agreement's effects on Mexico have played an important role in the influx of immigration.

Jailed and bailed, but never charged

by John Hoff
Published October 29, 2007
Police said things like, "Do you think it was worth it, now?" to arrested individuals.

Trust, reparations and reputation

Published October 29, 2007
The upcoming election will probably seal our fate as a nation.

The problems with porn

Published October 29, 2007
Whether porn instigates violent behavior is highly debateable.

Porn needs individual consideration

Published October 29, 2007
Pornography is a very powerful medium with very real negative and positive aspects.

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