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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Oh, how the mighty have fallen

by Paul Hamilton
Published September 20, 2007
So many prominent individuals have been arrested, jailed or sent to rehab it's pathetic.

Farm Sanctuary opens hearts and minds

Published September 20, 2007
Gene Baur will be giving a free presentation with a catered reception at 7 p.m., Oct. 2 in the Coffman Union Theater.

Peace is patriotic

by Kelsey Kudak
Published September 20, 2007
Why should mom be the only one concerned with keeping the peace?

Appropriate action and appropriate time

Published September 20, 2007
Eleven members of the University community are engaged in a hunger strike to pressure administration.

Patience for ‘the ignorant’

by Quynh Nguyen
Published September 19, 2007
We are aware of other people's small-mindedness, but blissfully unaware of our own.

The Bush-era blacklist

by Chelsey Perkins
Published September 18, 2007
Thought of as a part of our past, blacklisting has become very real for outward U.S. government critics.

Liberal college indoctrination: fiction?

by Jake Perron
Published September 17, 2007
There's absolutely no reason major media outlets should devote any more time to smearing professors.

Child hidden

by Kathryn Nelson
Published September 17, 2007
This is the second edition of an ongoing series. Look for the third edition in next Monday's Daily.

Jailed for asking too many questions, part one

by John Hoff
Published September 17, 2007
Mike Kirk saw fellow cyclists falling into the hands of police like a herd of cattle about to be butchered.

Union should not force representation

Published September 14, 2007
The union does not advocate for my best interests. It defines them.

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