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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Mixed messages at the auto show

by Holly Lahd
Published March 22, 2007
If the auto show highlights the future of the auto industry, the future is cloudy.

Joining the elite

by Tim Franzen
Published March 22, 2007
Should the readers' representative have a blog to inform readers on a more regular basis?

Global whining pumps debate with hot air

by Adri Mehra
Published March 22, 2007
In Gore-topia, alarmism is the new black.

Stark makes strides in religious freedom

Published March 22, 2007
Perhaps his declaration will dissolve prejudices about freethinkers.

Why the Nintendo Wii is Wiining

by Quynh Nguyen
Published March 21, 2007
In the most surprising turnaround in 12 years, an underdog is outclassing a top dog.

Image versus reality at the U

by Jason Stahl
Published March 19, 2007
No one should be happy that the University administration is dumping more money into "Driven to Discover."

Sighting the elusive campus turkeys

by John Hoff
Published March 19, 2007
Maybe we can learn to live with more wild creatures, and not see them merely as an annoyance.

Goodwill gone wild

by Bryce Haugen
Published March 19, 2007
This is the first of a two-part series about my alternative spring break experience. Look for part two on Thursday.

Stifling the stigma – and not ourselves

by Kate Nelson
Published March 9, 2007
We love the drama of the cinema, but can't confront it once it comes off the screen.

University should mandate humane apparel production

Published March 8, 2007
The University athletics department is finalizing a $9 million exclusive merchandising contract with Nike.

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