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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


The man with a movement

by Holly Lahd
Published March 29, 2007
Forget politics and personality. People love / hate Al Gore because of the movement he represents.

Taking the lead on learning

Published March 29, 2007
We're on our way to creating a new undergraduate learning experience.

Fashion industry avoids ‘weighty’ issues

by Adri Mehra
Published March 29, 2007
Here's the skinny: anorexia kills.

Iraq: The other inconvenient truth

by Ramla Bile
Published March 28, 2007
To any observer, it's obvious that challenging, independent films about Iraq are not breaking into the mainstream.

Support the U at the Capitol

Published March 27, 2007
Tuition increases and student indebtedness is directly influenced by decisions made at the Capitol.

Springing forward and raising awareness

by Abby Bar-Lev
Published March 26, 2007
Let's bring sexual assault and abuse out of its long-standing freeze and into the sunlight.

The Gore haters

by Jason Stahl
Published March 26, 2007
Why does Al Gore evoke so much irrational hatred?

College is no escape from the war

by John Hoff
Published March 26, 2007
Attending a Socialist-organized rally doesn't make me a Socialist any more than eating at a Chinese restaurant makes me Chinese.

Victimization claims sow alienation

by Darren Bernard
Published March 26, 2007
Faking Muslim victimization is the bold constant at some Islamic-American "civil rights" groups.

Protests are not convenient

Published March 26, 2007
Last week's protest shows we are all afraid to commit to a decision, all afraid to actually get our hands dirty.

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