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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


WWID-A: What won’t Iran do? Attack!

by Adri Mehra
Published March 1, 2007
Finally, former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski gets his chance to be big.

A long time passing

by Holly Lahd
Published March 1, 2007
Minnesota's Renewable Energy Standard should end plans for the Big Stone II Coal Plant.

Responsibility and education

by Darren Bernard
Published March 1, 2007
Getting educated is much closer to voting than shopping for a car. Going to class is not really a consumer choice.

Don’t hate the player or the game

by Quynh Nguyen
Published February 28, 2007
If I ever have to go get my gallbladder removed, I'll be sure to ask my surgeon about his or her favorite video game.

The possibility of Senator Franken

by Jason Stahl
Published February 26, 2007
Franken's announcement was a good start, but he should capitalize on Coleman's flip-flops.

Keffiyah popularity has benefits

Published February 26, 2007
One needs to be more cautious about the difference between retailer and consumer behavior.

Our bridge, our corner of the world

by John Hoff
Published February 26, 2007
Can the bridge generate revenue? Can some of the revenue pay for mental health programs?

We’re stuck between 14 and 40

by Kate Nelson
Published February 23, 2007
When I rifle through my closet, a certain ambivalence overtakes me when my hands hit these garments.

It’s your Daily

by Anna Weggel
Published February 22, 2007
Don't just read it, be it. Here are some way that you can be heard in the Daily.

We’ve got green, how ’bout you?

by Holly Lahd
Published February 22, 2007
The University could win every time with a LEED-certified stadium.

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