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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Legal music to our ears

Published February 22, 2007
The RIAA plans to target college students who download music illegally.

From grading to learning

Published February 22, 2007
The narrative evaluation system places the emphasis of school back onto learning instead of getting good grades.

Be excellent to each other

by Adri Mehra
Published February 22, 2007
May we all remember to follow our dreams like Chase Korte did.

The keffiyah: cultural, political, or chic?

by Ramla Bile
Published February 21, 2007
The controversial scarf is the newest competitor of the commercialized "Che" merchandise.

Iron seeding gathers momentum

Published February 20, 2007
This possible solution to global warming is too feasible to be ignored.

Making ‘smart’ choices

by Katharine Hargreaves
Published February 19, 2007
When it comes to "smart choices," everyone's decisions inevitably affect everyone elses.

Dear Provost Sullivan…

by Jason Stahl
Published February 19, 2007
What values do we want the University to reflect?

The biology of women’s speech habits

by Abby Bar-Lev
Published February 19, 2007
What differentiates women from men cannot simply stem from different wiring.

A bridge can be what we dream

by John Hoff
Published February 19, 2007
Transparent etched panels would create a compromise between beauty and safety.

Be good students and good neighbors

Published February 16, 2007
By choosing to rent in the neighborhood, we take on a responsibility to the people of that neighborhood.

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