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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


The media prophet and its monthly ‘cure’

by Quynh Nguyen
Published November 9, 2006
Readers need to become fiercely critical of - and voracious for - the representation of scientific results in the media.

Painting the town brown in Washington

by Adri Mehra
Published November 8, 2006
In 2008, the White House should change color.

Vote today for the rest of your life

Published November 7, 2006
For your mothers, children and for yourselves - please vote today.

Don’t risk lives for cheaper chicken

Published November 7, 2006
It is hoped that the direction history will take is away from raising birds by the billions under intensive confinement.

Searching for a workable solution

Published November 6, 2006
We must increase the use of clean energy sources by our energy providers.

The seperation of news and opinion

by Frances Zerr
Published November 6, 2006
While the newsroom strives for objectivity and balance, the opinions department seeks to foster debate.

What would “The Founders” do?

by Jason Stahl
Published November 6, 2006
If "The Founders" had a chance to vote tomorrow, they would reinstitute checks and balances.

Fear and loathing in Stadium Village

by John Hoff
Published November 6, 2006
But nobody can vandalize a bike right in front of John W. Hoff and expect no consequences.

You’ve got options: Now get out and vote

Published November 6, 2006
Now, more than ever, we have a duty to exercise this most basic right.

A major concern from a minor party

by Tim Franzen
Published November 6, 2006
What the Daily's election guide lacked in breadth, it made up for in its depth.

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