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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Take responsibility for actions

Published November 2, 2006
We've helped create a country of people that think nothing is ever really their fault, but so obviously someone else's.

Year of the woman begins Tuesday

by Abby Bar-Lev
Published November 2, 2006
The election is shaping up to be a major victory for Democratics and women candidates in particular.

Roads and transit need new amendment

Published November 2, 2006
It's been 18 years since there's been dedicated funding for transit in Minnesota.

Transportation Amendment: cast an easy vote

by Holly Lahd
Published November 2, 2006
The Transportation Amendment will be on your ballot Tuesday. To ensure funding dedicated to improving public transportation, vote yes.

Just how public is public radio?

by Adri Mehra
Published November 1, 2006
Commercial-free and sponsored by Wal-Mart.

Need new approach for same objective

Published October 31, 2006
Separate regions for each of the main cultural groups in Iraq is the best solution.

Students’ views on Coca-Cola issue

Published October 31, 2006
By neglecting to adequately represent Colombia, the forum ran the risk of giving an unfair advantage to Coca-Cola.

A look inside the newsroom

by Anna Weggel
Published October 30, 2006
Most people don't realize there are hundreds of students employed at the Daily during fall and spring.

Fake positioning

by Jason Stahl
Published October 30, 2006
Why are Republicans like John McCain now stating fantasy positions on Iraq? So they are able to save face and still position themselves for "victory."

Three choices for Iraq

by Darren Bernard
Published October 30, 2006
Escalating the war in Iraq is a national discussion that should be had, and quickly. Forgive the clich

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