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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


UseOh Day Aki’s success as a guide

Published May 2, 2006
Oh Day Aki is a K-12 charter school with about 250 students.

The ins and outs of Jackson and image

by Maggie Habashy
Published May 1, 2006
Most people who choose plastic surgery use a picture of a model or celebrity for guidance.

Another deeper look at Buddhism

Published May 1, 2006
I personally feel devotional practices such as those cited are very powerful.

A rower’s perspective on Title IX

Published May 1, 2006
Boreen shouldn't take out his misinformed hostility on the people Title IX protects.

When the commandments go wrong

by Jason Ketola
Published May 1, 2006
Our new take on sexual morality does not represent the disintegration of morality as a whole.

To survive, Hamas must change

Published May 1, 2006
In media terms, Hamas' performance was a public relations disaster.

Protest the Iraq war today

Published April 28, 2006
At noon, Northrop Plaza will be swarming with student-protesters.

The U’s duplicitous administration

Published April 28, 2006
Government and public institutions like the University are, in fact, captive to the interests of capital.

MinnCan Projectwrong for the state

Published April 28, 2006
Minnesotans should reject the proposed 300-mile crude-oil pipeline.

Diversity and existence

Published April 28, 2006
Junghare and her compatriots hope to bring an Institute of Diversity, Ethics and Peace into existence at the University.

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