Editor’s Note: The views expressed in this editorial do not represent the Minnesota Daily’s newsroom and are not necessarily representative of any individual on the Opinions Desk. This piece has been...
If you watched the 2023 TikTok Congressional hearings, you most likely noticed many representatives, even across party lines, have two things in common — they are old and don’t understand how technology...
In my experience, a common lament nowadays is the prevalence, or rather the mere existence of, small talk. The most prevalent and repeated complaints I’ve heard are that it’s shallow and only goes...
In 2020, the word “unprecedented” was named the People’s Choice 2020 Word of the Year by Dictionary.com after receiving the most user submissions. A 2024 article by Wired concluded “unprecedented...
The true definition of a sport and by extension, an athlete, is highly contested. The true traits of what constitutes an elite athlete are elusive, yet should be glaringly obvious. Why do we feel...
Wren: Hey Vivian! Now that we’re back from winter break, we have a lot of news to talk about! I have to admit, keeping up with the news over the holidays was a bit brutal. Following coverage of the wildfires...
Fraternities and sororities do not have stellar reputations, and for good reason.Greek life is plagued with a repugnant history of abusive hazing, discrimination and elitism. Most of these problems...
In a perfect utopian world, our own two feet could take us anywhere we wished within our neighborhoods and cities. Sure, cars can be useful, but in this hypothetical world, we would not be as dependent...
We all know President-elect Donald Trump loves the spotlight, and between his outlandish claims and political success, he gets plenty from the media. But this attention has also helped fuel his fire and...
Hyperpop is a generation-defining style of music that reflects Generation Z’s nihilistic disposition toward the issues of our time. It is as ironic and self-satirizing as we are. It reflects our disillusionment...