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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Livin’, lovin’ and transport violence

by Mat Koehler
Published October 11, 2005
There are people who think traveling around campus is a Nintendo game.

Bringing revolution to the U

Published October 11, 2005
The current University president should be removed as a sign of commitment to students.

Universities must divest from Sudan

Published October 11, 2005
University administrations need to hear directly from students and alumni that it is wrong to invest in pro-genocide companies.

Bob Bruininks’ bedtime prayers

Published October 11, 2005
Dear Jesus, thank You for making people crazy about football and not about jobs.

Intelligent Design 101: Short on science, long on snake oil

Published October 11, 2005
The irreducibly complex teeters on the verge of reduction. None of these difficulties were mentioned.

U must help student government play its role

Published October 10, 2005
It is imperative that there be adequate and meaningful communication.

Increasing support for students key to U’s success

Published October 10, 2005
Scholarships allow the University to prepare qualified young people from all economic backgrounds.

American women are tired of feminism

Published October 10, 2005
Letters were ad hominem and had only two main charges lodged against me.

Athletes and sexual harassment

by Abby Bar-Lev
Published October 10, 2005
A culture has been created that promotes the exploitation, objectification and degradation of women.

Hawaiian native-only schools are justifiable

by Jason Ketola
Published October 10, 2005
The justness of discriminatory admission policies should be assessed on their consequences for society, not the current standard.

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