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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Hijacking the bandwagon

Published October 4, 2005
This all seems too easy. When I put my mind to it, I can think of limitless lawsuit ideas.

Intelligent design full of holes and hooey

Published October 4, 2005
The philosophical problems with natural religion were pointed out before Darwin.

Drawing the line with opinions

Published October 3, 2005
Publishing inaccuracies in opinion pages is a big deal. Readers' trust is at stake.

Parental notification laws harm women

by Abby Bar-Lev
Published October 3, 2005
More money should be put into sex education, family planning and proactive organizations.

Withdrawal from Iraq is already overdue

by Nathan Paulsen
Published October 3, 2005
For many Iraqis, the occupation itself is as much of a nightmare as any imagined civil war might be. We can wait no longer.

Rising tuition and the changing face of higher education

Published October 3, 2005
Many college graduates likely will face a future in which their plans must be delayed or abandoned.

Anti-war and still unpatrioticin my eyes

Published October 3, 2005
Our troops and a future free of radical Islamic terrorism are too valuable.

Anti-war and still patriotic

Published September 30, 2005
There is reasonable dissent and that dissent is not being listened to.

Bikers must bend rules to survive

by John Hoff
Published September 29, 2005
We roll right over the symbols of our trespass, a bike within a white circle, like the first breaking of a communion wafer.

A fascinating and friable China

by Darren Bernard
Published September 29, 2005
Arguably, the Chinese government is entering the most fragile decade of its existence.

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