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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Building bridges across the leader divide

Published August 10, 2005
Unlike R.T. Rybak and Peter McLaughlin, I see the need to groom and look at young minorities as potential leaders.

Column on program misguided

Published August 10, 2005
Reedy's critique suffered from a lack of perspective.

I participate in sports inactively

by Mat Koehler
Published August 10, 2005
My once-ritual participation in sports has mutated into a lazy infatuation with sports media.

U needs to reconsider the Ed.D. degree

Published August 3, 2005
The Ed.D. degree is meaningless and burdensome. Change it or abolish it.

Putting eminent domain on trial

Published August 3, 2005
This tale of a small hamburger stand should make us all question who has the power.

Embryonic stem cell fairy tales

Published July 27, 2005
Researchers offering misleading promises about nonexistent ES cell cures hurt important work.

Jean Charles de Menezes’ seven head wounds

Published July 27, 2005
The war on terror has more to do with race and perception than most people think.

Protecting women’s reproductive rights on college campuses

Published July 27, 2005
Minnesotans should be wary of Wisconsin's ban on birth contol on its university campuses.

It’s high time that marijuana laws be liberalized

Published July 27, 2005
Unfortuantely, elected officials do not favor legally controlling and taxing marijuana products.

Genocide in the age of American apathy

by Adam Elrashidi
Published July 20, 2005
While media focused on the London bombings, Bosnia mourned alone.

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