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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Professors’ actions troublingg

Published March 21, 2005
In opposing "don't ask, don't tell," the Law School faculty seeks to restrict military recruiting.

Spring break is the new Mighty Mouse

Published March 11, 2005
After a seemingly unending winter of discon-tent, spring break is here to save the day.

Beach volleyball 101

Published March 11, 2005
Rule No. 12: If you win four or more consecutive games, preferably by shutout, you haven't had enough to drink.

Profs stand up to discrimination

Published March 11, 2005
The Law School faculty isn't anti-military, but "don't ask, don't tell" is still unacceptable.

Fees decisions lacked support

Published March 10, 2005
If this level of cuts is necessary, it should be targeted and consistently applied.

Who shoulders the burden in society

Published March 10, 2005
Congress and the administration should remember our current tax structure's virtues.

Standing up for ourselves

Published March 10, 2005
Taking back our communities requires grassroots action from the multitudes.

Bricks and mortar with a soul

Published March 10, 2005

Perhaps because I'm most visible as a writer, people are sometimes surprised to know one of my areas of study is architectural conservation, a combination of architectural history and historic preservation. Historic...

The problems in the Daily’s Feb. 28 issue

Published March 10, 2005
The Daily needs the help of student leaders if it is to create better coverage in the future.

The whole truth about college

Published March 10, 2005
Critical thinking is just whatever sounds good to your professors.

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