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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Time should not be possessed

by Diana Fu
Published February 15, 2005
We as a culture choose to spend our time in a hurry, but this is not the only way to live.

Getting tough on North Korea

Published February 15, 2005
To make the Korean peninsula nuclear-free, we must stop this diplomatic merry-go-round.

Death of a great moral dramatist

Published February 15, 2005
In critiquing society without condescension, Miller acquired respect and became an icon.

The pros and cons of Feb. 14

Published February 14, 2005
Valentine's Day, Hallmark, bad jewelry and commercials are what you make them.

Inflammatory but insightful

Published February 14, 2005
Ward Churchill's comments, while insensitive, point out connections between local and worldwide problems.

Living beyondour means

Published February 14, 2005
Congress should declare the Bush budget dead on arrival and start from scratch.

Driver’s-license bill misses the point

Published February 14, 2005
We need to reform immigra-tion law in ways that improve security, not make it worse.

Much ado about an apostrophe

Published February 14, 2005
Grammatical rules and the walk's communal nature require that no apostrophe be used in its name.

Is the left’s newfound religiosity real?

Published February 14, 2005
If the left thinks paying some rhetorical attention to Christian voters will win it future elections, it is sadly mistaken.

Open discussion must be protected

Published February 14, 2005
Our ideas of free speech are put to the test when we have to tolerate deplorable ideas.

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