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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Heresy? Maybe. But we must fail in Iraq

by John Troyer
Published April 16, 2004
Bush spoke as if Monty Python wrote his foreign policy rationalizations.

Daily should criticize Palestinian tactics

Published April 15, 2004
Why does the Daily editorial board ignore gross violations of international law?

Bush’s economics are all wrong

Published April 15, 2004
Bush cannot keep cutting taxes and running deficits for short-term gains and ignore long-term problems.

You can love the people and not their practices

Published April 15, 2004

In his Monday opinion piece, Tim Campbell makes an appeal to "gays and gay-friendly people," asking them to "move forward" and support the movement to legalize homosexual marriage. He laments the fact...

Unlikely pair of films addresses ‘illusion’

Published April 14, 2004
Truth is a complicated and elusive thing, and even more so when family is involved.

Let them serve time, not on death row

Published April 13, 2004

According to the U.S. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, approximately 88 percent of Minnesota's youth population is white - 12 percent is classified as "minority." Outside the Twin...

Bush camp elicits international distrust

Published April 12, 2004

Last weekend, I received an opportunity to participate in a conference in Dublin, Ireland - free of charge. On one particular night, I walked down a rather grimy street and chanced upon a shabby building...

United States must learn to choose its battles and land management strategies in foreign countries

Published April 12, 2004
The U.S. has dealt an imperialistic card to Iraq.

Transit strikers deserve a fair deal

Published April 12, 2004
Bus riders who blame drivers are overlooking the real problems.

Crime prevention is the best way to keep University campuses safe, police chief says

Published April 12, 2004

Assistant Vice President for Public Safety and University Chief of Police I added chief of police responsibilities to my duties here at the University this last week, and I must object to The Minnesota...

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