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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


U.S. response is one of global leadership

Published April 5, 2004

I am writing in response to a letter to the editor concerning the U.S. response to the global HIV/AIDS crisis and my record on this topic. While I praise the spirit of Stephanie Smith's letter and share...

U.S. not better off under Bush

Published April 5, 2004
Americans are more politically divided than ever.

Americans are paying attention now

Published April 2, 2004
The strength of the White House leadership is its appeal to intellectual mediocrity.

Necessitating U.S. harmony with ‘Old Europe’

Published April 1, 2004

Last weekend, European leaders met in Brussels, Belgium, to discuss the future direction of the European Union. Immediately following the Madrid, Spain, bombings and subsequent upset in the Spanish election,...

Republicans: Stop playing games with women’s lives!

Published April 1, 2004

What is Minnesota telling its women? Are we being used as political tools and punished most severely by budget crunching? Who is making the decisions that are causing even more inequality between the sexes...

Editorial board missed the mark with ‘under God’

Published April 1, 2004
The board just decided to bloviate a little and play some word games with the First Amendment.

Led astray by Jenkins and LaHaye

Published April 1, 2004

Tuesday's release of "Glorious Appearing," the 12th book in Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins' "Left Behind" series, caps off the 40-million selling account of the Christian apocalypse. This "final" installment...

See Section 179 for a FREE SUV!

Published March 31, 2004
A tax loophole to encourage small businesses is being abused at the expense of taxpayers and the environment.

U.S. made bad assumptions about terrorists

Published March 30, 2004
It is becoming clear that White House officials either did incredibly negligent research or simply lied to everyone.

White House ‘Wicked Witch’ dulls image

by Karl Noyes
Published March 29, 2004
Instead of adapting to new terrorists' strategies, the national security adviser floundered in the days before Sept. 11, 2001.

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