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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


Does it still really surprise everyone?

Published February 16, 2004

The recent surprise on the part of the American public and our elected officials regarding how President George W. Bush and his administration members exaggerated stories concerning Iraq's possession of...

Pitchers and catchers report next week

Published February 16, 2004
Baseball has a natural tendency to conjure up images of warm, lazy summer nights.

Students should not segregate when visiting foreign lands

Published February 16, 2004

Around campus there is a disturbing trend that is also occurring across the world. While I am pleased with the student body's diversity and the number of international students, I am disappointed with...

Public has an interest in marriage and sexual behavior

Published February 13, 2004
Experience shows that when there are no boundaries, we end up with chaos and misery, not happiness.

Civil rights should extend beyond black vs. white

Published February 13, 2004

Thursday in Ohio, 22 couples applied for a sort of recognized domestic partnership; in Massachusetts, wedding plans are being made between homosexual couples; and in Minnesota, partners are planning trips...

I’m making Valentine’s Day extra special!

Published February 13, 2004

After discussing my Valentine's Day plans with friends last week, I went through an awakening of sorts. I was informed, thankfully, that traditions have changed since I was in grade school. My initial...

Death penalty is a just punishment if carefully administered

Published February 12, 2004
In the end, justice is the only question to consider in the death penalty debate.

Horowitz’s ‘academic freedom’ ideas deserve honest discussion

by Nick Busse
Published February 12, 2004

I have to admit that I expected more, or less, rather, from the audience that showed up for David Horowitz's speech Tuesday night at Willey Hall. Usually when a conservative pundit such as Horowitz comes...

Treating mental illness saves lives

Published February 12, 2004

Students Against Destructive Decisions observes Suicide Awareness Month in March, but the University's Residence Hall Association is trying to raise awareness early this year. Their annual "Show for Life,"...

Is a U stadium a want or a need?

Published February 11, 2004

The University is already expensive enough. Paying an extra $100 a year wouldn't make a difference to me." Does this comment confuse you? Anger you? Seem misguided, illogical or just plain strange? How...

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