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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


The League of Pissed-Off Voters tries to save democracy

by Karl Noyes
Published January 26, 2004

Gazira's is a humble Somalian restaurant on Chicago Avenue where you can get goat meat, salad and a generous plate of rice and chili for $7. Abdi, an energetic little boy with curly hair, greets everyone...

King dreamt of racial diversity as a non-issue

Published January 23, 2004

It has been more than 40 years since the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his poignant dream to the American people. His words are known by heart by many Americans, yet his words are so compelling...

Wowie, wow wow – it’s cold

Published January 23, 2004

Overcoming writer's block is always a long, violent battle requiring courage and devotion. It is a battle many excellent writers engage on a regular basis. That's why I skipped all the trouble and settled...

Dean’s volunteers are ordinary

Published January 23, 2004

Howard Dean lost the Iowa caucus, by any rational measure. Once considered the front-runner in a state extremely important to Democratic presidential contenders, Dean fell to third place by a considerable...

Introverts’ plight

by Diana Fu
Published January 23, 2004

His mouth foams and his eyes squint together into a fine line of concentration. What to say? What to say to her - the woman with a mouth as curvaceous as her hips, who puts her cigarettes out like she's...

Protect the right to choose by removing Bush from office

Published January 22, 2004

On the day of the 31st anniversary of the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v. Wade, a woman's right to choose an abortion - the single option that ultimately determines whether she controls her destiny...

Martin Luther King Day is too cuddly, apolitical

Published January 22, 2004

In the 35 years since his assassination, the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. has become untouchable. King's saintly legacy is now above reproach, and it is nothing short of heresy to say anything remotely...

Why Hussein and not Idi Amin, Pol Pot and Kim Jong Il?

Published January 22, 2004

The ignorance contained in Nolan Soltvedt's Wednesday letter is truly cataclysmic. Soltvedt said the day U.S. forces captured Saddam Hussein was "a day of sadness" for those who oppose the Iraq war and,...

Sex offender debate neglects inner-city neighborhoods’ burden

Published January 20, 2004

The governor and Legislature's discussion about what to do with Level 3 sex offenders - sparked by the abduction of Dru Sjodin - fails to acknowledge the concentration of Level 3 sex offenders residing...

Humphrey fellow’s connection to voter ‘scrubbing’ firm questionable

Published January 20, 2004

I, like a lot of Americans, was shocked and horrified by the disenfranchisement of thousands of Florida voters during the last presidential election. I had thought the problems were reserved to the infamous...

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