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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


‘Tis the season to be cannibalistic

by Max Sparber
Published October 29, 2002

We're coming up on a reflective time: winter, specifically. Winter seems to be off to an early start this year and will be actively seeking to murder us in a few months. And I can't be the only one who...

Israelis want peace

Published October 29, 2002

In response to the several recent anti-Israel articles published in the Daily and various accusations slung around campus, I would like to encourage all readers to do some objective research before jumping...

War demands discussion

Published October 29, 2002

This letter is in response to Josh Smith's letter, "Anti-war rallies," which appeared Friday. Smith said the anti-war movement "participants ... are doing a great disservice to their country and their...

Loss of a good friend

Published October 29, 2002

Mary McEvoy will be deeply missed by many around campus. I first met Mary when I was a freshman and starting to get involved in the University of Minnesota DFL where she served as our faculty advisor. She...

Protesting the war

Published October 28, 2002

Upon reading Josh Smith's letter, "Anti-war Rallies" on Oct. 25, I was surprised by the ignorance and arrogance expressed. If some people are confident in their opinion regarding the possible U.S. war...

Citizens can be the voice of justice

by Sraddha Helfrich
Published October 28, 2002

When I learned of Sen. Paul Wellstone's death Friday, tears immediately filled my eyes. After first entertaining thoughts of Republican and CIA foul play to gain this much-contested Senate seat, my mind...

U.S. promotes double standards

Published October 28, 2002

T By Sana Ansari he recent events around the globe have made it quite clear the world is not a safe place. Our planet has been inundated and marred by civil wars in South America and Africa, assassination...

A monumental loss

Published October 28, 2002

Minnesota suffered a monumental loss with the tragic demise of Sen. Paul Wellstone on Oct. 25. His liberal politics, respect for cultures, genuine concern for the underdog, and bold righteous beliefs on...

Carpoolers need more options

Published October 28, 2002

The University needs to offer more benefits and options to carpoolers. On the East Bank alone, there are currently 13 or more public parking lots and ramps available to students, not including contract...

Listening to the protestors

Published October 28, 2002

In Friday's cover story about the rally ("Anti-war rally draws hundreds, blocks traffic"), Students Against War member Jeff MacPhail was quoted as saying, "People might be against us - which is fine -...

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