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The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


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Alex Gonzalez loads a fresh pan of sweet bread Tuesday at La Alborada Market on East Lake St, Minneapolis.

College Kitchen: Los mercados de Lake Street

by Samuel Linder
Published January 24, 2012
Find your way out of campus and into a colorful world of chilles and pastries that will leave you begging for mas.

Legislators scrutinize MnSCU for sick and vacation time payouts

by Kevin Burbach
Published January 23, 2012
Media reports show the state has paid $57 million for unused sick time and about $32 million for vacation time in three years.

City Council to vote on major updates to Riverside Avenue

by Nick Sudheimer
Published January 23, 2012
It will be the third construction project in the Cedar-Riverside area in a year.

With NRP’s closure, city department takes over funding neighborhoods

by Yasin Mohamud
Published January 23, 2012
The NRP funded neighborhoods through property tax revenues.

U interns help launch language app

by Jeff Hargarten
Published January 23, 2012
Ultralingua is donating its language software to foreign aid workers.

Legislators scrutinize MnSCU payouts

by Kevin Burbach
Published January 20, 2012
The state paid out about $57 million for unused sick time and about $32 million for vacation time between January 2008 and June 2011.

TCF could be Vikings’ temporary home if Metrodome plan wins

by Matt Herbert
Published January 19, 2012
Gov. Mark Dayton signaled his preference Wednesday for a stadium at the Linden Avenue site.
Minneapolis Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator Shaun Murphy surveys the Como neighborhood Saturday to verify new bike traffic signs implemented. The new position will work to streamline different transportation needs of Minneapolis communities.

Bike coordinator takes handlebars of burgeoning city

by Nick Sudheimer
Published January 19, 2012
The city also released its first ever bicycle annual update.

Somali-American students say hawala shutdown hurts them

by Amanda Bankston
Published January 19, 2012
Recent crackdowns on money transfers to Somalia affect those sending cash to relatives.

Los Mercados de Lake Street

by Samuel Linder
Published January 19, 2012
Find your way out of campus into a colorful world of chiles and pastries that will leave you begging for mas

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