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Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily

Serving the UMN community since 1900

The Minnesota Daily


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Men booked in Hennepin Co. likely on drugs

by Dina Elrashidy
Published November 30, 2011
A study finds that most men have drugs in their systems.
Blue and White Taxi driver Zen Tesseena drove through downtown Minneapolis Monday while explaining new city ordinances for taxicab companies and drivers, including electronic credit card swipers, limited use of cell phones while driving and a dress code.

City Council calls for taxi drivers to drop phones, turn down radio

by Nick Sudheimer
Published November 29, 2011
The committee will likely also make credit card readers mandatory in January.

The Fashionista is in: Winter makeup

by Sally Hedberg
Published November 29, 2011

Thanksgiving has passed, which means that itâÄôs totally appropriate to start compiling your seasonal wish lists. And though you probably shouldnâÄôt keep your fingers crossed for a whirlwind...

Justin Barrett, a University of Minnesota alumni, and Dan Linstroth are the developers of the new Heroic website marketed towards students. The service network site links people together to complete various jobs in the metro area.

Tech startup helps students find odd jobs

by Jeff Hargarten
Published November 29, 2011
Heroic was put together by Carlson grads and advising faculty.

State Senate candidates on campus for forum

by Kyle Potter
Published November 29, 2011
The Senate seat that represents the University area is up for grabs for the first time in almost 30 years.
Shoppers attempt to push through security staff just after midnight Friday outside of Best Buy at the Mall of America.

Mall of America greets 15,000 shoppers with open doors

by Jia Guo
Published November 28, 2011
Many stores moved their openings up to midnight for Black Friday, and some violent incidents erupted around the country.

Cinematic Holidaze

by Sarah Harper
Published November 23, 2011
A&E helps you figure out which winter flicks are worth sneaking candy into.
"Chicken Saffron", made with red wine, tomatoes, rice, green pepper, onion and chicken breasts, is a delicious and easy way to spin a new twist on Thanksgiving for college students who aren't going home over the break.

College Kitchen: Janksgiving Edition

by Samuel Linder
Published November 23, 2011
Stranded far from home on the holidays? Sharing a pre-family meal with the flatmates? Try this easy and unconventional Thanksgiving feast bound to save any shipwrecked pilgrim from starvation.

Report: Shutdown wasn’t so bad, fiscally speaking

by Greta Kaul
Published November 23, 2011
A Minnesota Management and Budget report showed that financial effects were smaller than most Minnesotans expected.
Professor James Luby lectures on how to pair wine with food in Horticulture 1031 Monday in St. Paul.  The course on viticulture and enology incorporates science and tasting of wine.

U grapes help wine industry grow

by Matt Herbert
Published November 23, 2011
Research on “cold hardy grapes” has helped growers.

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